Any substance except plain water that by chemical or physical action reduces flammability of fuels or slows their rate of combustion. (from FIREWISE)
A chemical or preparation of chemicals used to reduce flammability or to retard spread of a fire over the surface.
a substance that by chemical or physical action reduces flammability of combustibles.
a chemical applied to a fire to reduce combustion rates
a chemical or substance that will help to delay the burning of something
Any substance, besides water, used to reduce flammability of fuels or slow the rate of combustion.
A fabric which has been treated which will repel flame or which will prevent the spreading of flame.
Fabrics treated with special chemical agents or finished to make them retardant or resistant to burning. Many fabrics achieve this property by using fibers that have this property built directly into the polymer.
Any substance or chemical applied to wildland fuels to slow the rate of combustion or reduce flammability, generally expressed as long-term or short-term. Long-term retardants are generally chemical based, whereas short-term retardants are primarily thickened soapy water.
A substance that uses chemical or physical action to reduce flammability of fuels and slow the rate of combustion.
A coating which will (1) reduce flame spread, (2) resist ignition when exposed to high temperature or (3) insulate the substrate and delay damage to the substrate.
Any substance (except plain water) that by chemical or physical actions reduces flammability of fuels or slows their rate of combustion. See retardent slurry, AFFF, and Foam as examples.
Denotes a reduction in the flammability and in the spread of fire. Applied or pressurized chemical treatment to retard combustion.
A special treatment that results in the filter media not supporting combustion unless a flame source is present.
Chemical that withstands the spread of fire or, when applied, increases the fire resistance of that material.
A substance added, or a treatment applied to, a material in order to suppress, significantly reduce or delay the combustion of the material.
Used to indicate that materials or substances have been treated to retard ignition or the spread of fire.
A fire retardant is a substance that helps to delay or prevent combustion. Fire retardants are commonly used in fire fighting. Water is the most commonly used fire retardant, but the phrase typically refers to chemical retardants.