The characteristic of a fabric to resist ignition and to self extinguish if ignited.
The ability of a tape to withstand exposure to a flame. Flame resistant (fire-retardant self extinguishing) materials will burn when exposed to flame, but will not continue to burn after the flame is removed. Burning rate, smoke density, toxicity of fumes and melt drippings are important factors in assessing flame resistance.
To make something more difficult to catch on fire and less likely to remain on fire. Fabrics and materials are specifically designed or treated so they will not burn easily. A common fabric used to make firefighters' clothing, Nomex®, is made of flame and heat resistant fiber.
A fabric that can burn but will not support actual flame. However, the fabric does meet the standards set by fire departments for flame resistance. Many of these fabrics are inherently flame resistant; meaning the fabric fibers themselves will not sustain flames.
A term used to describe a material that burns slowly, or is self-extinguishing after removal of an external source of ignition.
A term used to describe a fabric that burns very slowly, or has the ability to self-extinguish upon the removal of an external flame.
Resisting the spread of flame along the surface and having material or surface of a nature that does not propagate flame once an outside source of flame has been removed; flame retardant.
Material that inherently resists ignition (burning), melting or other degradation when exposed to heat or flame. Go to top
a term used to describe fibres, yarns or fabrics which resist burning.
refers to a fabric which will burn only when the source of the flame remains lit, and will quickly self extinguish when the source is removed. Standards for flame resistance are generally set according to the end use of the fabric. Flame resistance may be the result of the nature of the fiber or of a chemical finish put on the fabric.
In reference to clothing, means made of a material that, due to its inherent properties or as a result of treatment by a flame retardant, will slow, terminate or prevent flaming combustion.