A vehicle with crew being engulfed by fire for a short period of time
(noun) the sudden spread of flame over an area when it becomes heated to the flash point (Date: 1892) (Merriam-Webster's Unabridged at www.m-w.com)
A temperature at which a fire hazard is in danger of unrestrained fire growth and complete destruction. The exact temperature depends on different types of hazards and their inherent characteristics (such as age, condition, materials of construction, proximity to other structures and other factors).
A flashover is the simultaneous ignition of all flammable material in an enclosed area. A flashover occurs when the majority of surfaces in a space are heated to the point at which they give off flammable gases that are hot enough to ignite themselves (i.e. they do not need to be touched by flame to start burning). Prior to flashover, flammable gases may be given off but are not hot enough to ignite without a spark.
Arcing or sparking between two or more (isolated) conductors. See thermal sparking.
The stage of a fire in which a room or other confined area becomes heated to the point that flames flash over the entire surface of the area igniting all contents.
A transition phase in the development of a contained fire in which surfaces exposed to thermal radiation reach ignition temperature more or loess simultaneously and fire spreads rapidly throughout the space.
when burning objects heat walls and other objects in an enclosed area to their ignition temperature, causing them to flame; marked by large increase in flame volume and a sudden, marked rise in gas temperature
The sudden ignition of all flammable material in a room or structure. As the fire burns and heat is generated and stored in the room on fire, it is possible for the heat to accumulate faster than it can use fuel. Once this reaches critical mass, the heat then turns all the flammables in a room into fuel at one time. The danger is that this causes an inversion of the thermal layers because the new fuel is almost always near the floor. Despite superb protective gear, a firefighter has less than two seconds to evacuate a room that has a flashover.
simultaneous ignition of combustible materials in a closed space, as when materials simultaneously reach their fire point; May also result in rollover.