A heat exchanger that is designed and used to vaporize a liquid, such as LNG.
Method of smoking cannabis by heating it until the THC vaporizes, without actually burning the marijuana. Most vaporizers consist of a heating element, a glass dome, and a hose to smoke from.
A heat exchange used to return liquid natural gas to a gaseous form and then continue to heat the gas to a temperature at which it can be sent into the distribution system.
a device for extracting the active ingredients of marijuana by heating them at a temperature that vaporizes them without causing the plant matter to combust
a device for smoking marijuana
a device that allows the patient to separate the cannabinoids (the therapeutically effective chemicals in marijuana) from the plant material without burning
a device that heats a substance to the point where the essentail elements that the user is trying to extract are released without burning the substance and releasing smoke
a device to smoke the marijuana
a device used to release active compounds from plant material
a device which raises the temperature of marijuana high enough to cause the active ingredient (THC) to vaporize, but not high enough to burn the marijuana
a device with a built in heating element that heats up your smoking substrate to a very high temperature
a marijuana smoking device and has the same effect as smoking but