a brick made of fire clay, used for lining e.g. furnaces and chimneys.
A refractory brick which meets the requirements of Standard No. 37-1. UBC.
A brick capable of withstanding high temperatures without deforming. 'Insulating firebricks' have the additional advantage of acting as good insulators due to the large pockets of air in the matrix of the brick. There are many different kinds of firebricks available, some very expensive. Types are categorized for their heat duty and the types of materials and atmospheres they must come into contact with.
brick designed to withstand high temperatures. Made with special fireclays. Most common standard size is 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" x 9" but is produced in various sizes and shapes.
A brick specially made of clay which can be exposed to extremely high temperatures without damage. Used in furnaces, fireplaces, and similar high temperature areas.
Brick made of special fire clay to resist high heat.
Refractory bricks made specifically for use in high temperature applications such as to line the inside of kilns and ovens or to solder upon.
Highly heat-resistant brick for lining fireplaces and boilers.
An insulation brick used to hold the heat in the kiln and withstand high temperatures.
Refractory bricks used to build the Oven Dome of the Pompeii Oven. Typically made from about 30% alumina and 60% silica, they can withstand rapid heat-up and cool-down cycles without spalling (flaking) or cracking. Read our Brick Primer for more.
A special brick that can withstand the heat of direct fire without breaking.
Heat refractory brick used in the construction of a firebox.
High-temperature brick used in fireplaces, interior of furnaces and stoves.
Brick made of refractory clay or other material which resists high temperatures.