A sheet folded twice, the second fold being at right angles to the first fold. Printed on one side only, it makes a four-page folder for announcements and greeting cards. By folding the first fold short, the sheet can be printed on both sides for a fold
A bindery term referring to a sheet that is folded with two right angle folds to form a four page uncut section.
A folding method where paper is folded twice to make a page folder.
A sheet folded twice to make a four-page folder, and usually printed on one side only. Used for announcements and greeting cards.
Two folds at right angles to one another.
A printed sheet, printed one side only, folded with two right angle folds to form a four page uncut section.
Two folds at right angles to each other.
A sheet of paper that has been printed on one side only and then folded twice to form an uncut four-page section.
Folder with printing on one side so that when folded once in each direction, the printing on outside of the folds.
A sheet of paper folded twice to create a four-paneled invitation is considered French-folded. This fold is most common with parchment invitations.[ | FAQ Index
The fold used on some Christmas cards, which folds a sheet into four pages, exposing only one side of the sheet and leaving the join at the edges.
A press sheet in which all of the pages are printed on one side and folded, first vertically and then horizontally, to produce a four page signature. The blank side is folded inward before the other folds are made.