In printing the undesirable condition in which printing on one side of the sheet can be seen through the paper under normal lighting conditions.
Lack of opacity in a sheet causing the image on one side to be visible on the other.
the ability to see print from the opposite side of a sheet of paper. Indicates lack of opaqueness.
When the printing on one side of a sheet of paper can be seen when looking at the opposite side.
Printing on one side of a sheet that can be seen on the other side of the sheet.
Printing that is seen by looking through a sheet of paper that is not adequately opacified.
In printing, the undesirable condition in which the printing on the reverse side of a sheet can be seen through the sheet under normal lighting conditions.
Showthrough happens when the printed image from one site of a sheet of printed paper shows through to the other side. Usually occurs on thin newspaper or magazine printing paper. An 'off-white' sheet is often used to help reduce this in thinner paper stocks
An undesirable condition in printing in which the ink on one side of the paper is visible from the other side under normal lighting conditions.
The amount of print or illustration which can be seen through paper from the other side, a big consideration in choosing the right paper for a publication