Haunted (2005) is a novel written by Chuck Palahniuk that was released on May 3, 2005. The plot is a frame story for a series of 23 short stories (most of which are preceded by a free verse poem) with a chapter in the main narrative before and after each one. Each of the stories are written by the characters of main narrative, and each ties back into the main story in either important or minor ways.
Haunted is the second album by American singer/songwriter Poe, released in 2000 (see 2000 in music) after a five year hiatus from her debut album Hello in 1995. The self-produced album was created as a tribute and counterpart to her brother Mark Z. Danielewski's novel House of Leaves.
Haunted is a trade paperback collecting comic stories based on the Buffy television series.
Haunted is an original novel based on the U.S. television series Angel.
Haunted is a fantasy novel by written by Kelley Armstrong
Haunted is Six Feet Under's first album. It was released on the 1st of September 1995 through Metal Blade Records.
Haunted was an American television program broadcast on UPN, first aired in 2002. The program was then cancelled in November 2002 due to low ratings.
Haunted is a 1995 British film, directed by Lewis Gilbert and starring Aidan Quinn, Kate Beckinsale, Anthony Andrews and John Gielgud. It is based on a novel of the same name by James Herbert. The film was produced by Andrews and Gilbert.