an alternate from of mogul.
Of or pertaining to the Moguls{2}; as, The Taj Mahal, the most beautiful piece of Mogul architecture, was built by the Mogul emperor Shah Jehan as a mausoleum for his favorite wife.
Mohgul, Mogul or Mughal Empire, founded in the early 16th century in India, The Mughal emperor accepted British protection in 1803.
a member of the Muslim dynasty that ruled India until 1857
An Indian design influenced by Persian originals, Moghul carpets are characterized by a configuration of interlocking medallions, generally uniform in size but much varied in color and ornamentation.
The Muslim dynasty of the Indian Emperors starting from Babur.
a descendent of that group of nomadic herding and hunting tribes from the steppes of central Asia who conquered India in 1526.