Immune defenses provided by the mucous membranes of the body, a one-cell layer thick moist barrier found in barrier such as skin, tears, mucus and saliva that contains mucosal cells, B-cells, and T-cells.
resistance to infection across the mucous membranes. Mucosal immunity depends on immune cells and antibodies present in the linings of reproductive tract, gastrointestinal tract and other moist surfaces of the body exposed to the outside world.
Resistance to infection across the bodys mucous membranes. Mucosal immunity depends on immune cells and antibodies present in the linings of the reproductive and gastrointestinal tracts and other moist body surfaces exposed to the outside world (the most frequent routes of HIV infection).
Resistance to infection across the mucous membranes. Dependent on immune cells and antibodies present in the lining of the urogenital tract, gastrointestinal tract and other parts of the body exposed to the outside world. See also Antibodies; Genitourinary Tract; Mucous Membrane.