Definitions for "Normalized"
Keywords:  nx, sqrt, nz, ny, resets
To normalize a normal vector, divide each of the components by the square root of the sum of their squares. Then, if the normal is thought of as a vector from the origin to the point ( nx', ny', nz'), this vector has unit length. factor = sqrt(nx2 + ny2 + nz2) nx' = nx / factor ny' = ny / factor nz' = nz / factor
The process of dividing all the absorbance values in a spectrum by the largest absorbance value. This resets the Y axis scale from 0 to 1.
adj., ANSI, IEEE (of a float) conforming to the description of "normalized" as described by IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic. See denormalized.
A type of database design that removes repeating or redundant data from tables to save storage space and to make updates to data as fast as possible. ()
A database whose tables and fields create an organized structure designed to work efficiently and avoid duplication or omission of important elements. Established "rules" of database normalization are generally accepted by information designers and computer programmers as important guidelines to use when creating a new database.
the transformation of the actual statistics obtained so that they are theoretically part of a normal distribution.
Adjusting a time series so that the series lies in a prescribed normal, standard range.