Definitions for "Opportunistic infection"
an infection by germs that do not usually cause disease, but occurs only under certain conditions, such as in immunodeficient or immunosuppressed patients.
A disease or illness in a person with HIV. The INFECTION is called opportunistic because it takes advantage of the body's weakened IMMUNE SYSTEM. Once a person gets an OPPORTUNISTIC INFECTION, a doctor can say that the person has AIDS. This just means that the doctor noticed a change in how the person's IMMUNE SYSTEM works. It takes about 8-11 years for HIV to destroy the IMMUNE SYSTEM so that it doesn't kill germs very well. People with healthy IMMUNE SYSTEMS have or get these same germs in their body. They don't get sick because their IMMUNE SYSTEM works well. Different people get different illnesses. Most people don't die after they get one. There are medicines to treat many OPPORTUNISTIC INFECTIONS now.
any infection caused by a microorganism that does not normally cause disease in humans