Infections (rarely seen in healthy people) that that occur when a person's immune system is weakened due to HIV, cancer, or drugs that suppress the body's immune response
Infection in an immune compromised person caused by an organism that does not usually cause disease in healthy people. Many of these organisms are widely carried in the population in a latent state, and only cause disease when given the opportunity of a damaged/compromised immune system.
Infections and illnesses that happen when a person's immune system is weakened by HIV infection. These illnesses are not common in people with functioning immune systems. People with advanced HIV disease or an AIDS diagnosis can have infections of the lungs, brain, eyes and other organs. Opportunistic infections that can occur in people with AIDS include Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP), candidiasis (yeast infections or thrush), cancers and Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC). (For a complete list of AIDS-defining illnesses, please visit
infections which occur in people with HIV; usually uncommon in persons without HIV; includes TB, pneumonia and meningitis.
A variety of infections, such as Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, that occur in people whose immune systems are weak for various reasons, including disease, such as HIV infection.
People with weakened immune systems (ie., immune-compromised or immune-suppressed individuals) may be more vulnerable to infections by molds (as well as more vulnerable than healthy persons to mold toxins). Aspergillus fumigatus, for example, has been known to infect the lungs of immune compromised individuals. These individuals inhale the mold spores which then start growing in their lungs. Trichoderma has also been known to infect immune-compromised children. (EPA,2001)
Infections that would normally not happen, but that do because the immune system is weakened and cannot fight them.
An illness caused by an organism that usually does not cause disease with a normally functioning immune system. People with advanced HIV infection (AIDS) suffer opportunistic infections of the lungs, brain, eyes, and other organs.4
The many parasitic, bacterial, viral and fungal infections which are able to cause disease once the immune system has been damaged. These are the most common clinical manifestations that establish the diagnosis of AIDS. They are characterised by an aggressive clinical course, they resist therapy and have a high rate of relapse.
An illness caused by an organism that usually does not cause disease in a person with a normal immune system. People with advanced HIV infection suffer opportunistic infections of the lungs, brain, eyes, and other organs.
Illnesses caused by various organisms, some of which usually do not cause disease in persons with normal immune systems. Persons living with advanced HIV infection suffer opportunistic infections of the lungs, brain, eyes, and other organs. Opportunistic infections common in persons diagnosed with AIDS include Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia ; Kaposi's Sarcoma ; cryptosporidiosis ; histoplasmosis ; other parasitic, viral, and fungal infections; and some types of cancers.
infections which occur in patients with low CD4 cell counts (eg, PCP, MAC, CMV).
Infections that occur in persons with weak immune systems due to AIDS, cancer or immunosuppressive drugs such as corticosteroids or chemotherapy. PCP, toxoplasmosis and cytomegalovirus are all examples of OIs.
Diseases which HIV positive people contract more easily because their immune systems are weakened by the HI Virus.Opportunistic infections include TB and Pneumonia.