A contagious affection of the skin due to the presence of a vegetable parasite, and forming ring-shaped discolored patches covered with vesicles or powdery scales. It occurs either on the body, the face, or the scalp. Different varieties are distinguished as Tinea circinata, Tinea tonsurans, etc., but all are caused by the same parasite (a species of Trichophyton).
A fungal infection of the skin.
An infection caused by a fungus (not a worm or a parasite). It is extremely contagious and spreads quickly. The most common symptoms are red, itchy, swollen skin in the shape of a ring. The skin in the center of the ring usually appears healthy.
fungal infections of the skin resulting in raised red swellings or lines that resemble burrowing worms; includes the diseases known as athlete's foot, jock itch, and ringworm or the scalp
fungal infection of the skin. Highly contagious, not caused by worms
Superficial skin disease caused by dermatophytes. Term derived from the ring-like, circular form of the lesions and from the belief that these infections were caused by worm-like organisms. The current accepted term is tinea.
A skin infection caused by a fungus, not a worm. It can be transmitted between animals by skin abrasions scabs, and other sores and possibly on grooming equipment. scabs etc particularly if the animal's immune system has been compromised, e.g. with steroids. In otherwise healthy dogs, ringworm infections are usually mild. Typical lesions are round, ring-like and scaly.
is a fungal infection showing as itchy, red, scaly, slightly raised, expanding rings on the trunk, face or groin area.
A contagious skin disease caused by fungus. Causes itching and ring-shaped patches covered with scales.
A common skin infection caused by ringworm fungi (dermatophytes), which invade the outer, superficial layers of the skin, hair, and nails; also called dermatophytosis.
Ringworm is a contagious fungus infection that can affect the scalp, the body, the feet, and the nails. Despite its name, it has nothing to do with worms. The name comes from the characteristic red ring that can appear on an infected person's skin. Ringworm is also called Tinea. If you develop ringworm see a doctor, you'll need fungus killing medicine.
A highly contagious skin disease caused not by a worm, but a fungus. It appears in patches, frequently growing from the centre outward in a ring pattern. It may show up under an ultraviolet light. A vet will prescribe suitable treatment. Gloves should always be worn when handling an animal with suspected ringworm, as it is also very contagious to humans.
infections of the skin or nails caused by fungi and appearing as itching circular patches
skin infection caused by various species of fungi; marked by red-ringed patch of vesicles with itching, pain and scaling ( Blood Cleanse, Neem)
a common term for a fungous infection of the skin and scalp. Athlete's foot is a ringworm infection of the feet.
A skin infection caused by a fungus that spreads out in an even circle, characterized by ring-like, scaly patches of red skin.
Any of a number of contagious fungal skin diseases characterized by ring-shaped, scaly, itching patches on the skin. ? Copper - 4 TBL ? Silver - 1 TBL a.m. and p.m. orally. Apply topically throughout the day to the affected area. ? Essential Oil of Oregano, apply topically ? Ozone generator- use as directed in instructions. ? Stabilized Oxygen- 10 drops 3 times daily* * Do not exceed the recommended dose.
a fungal skin infection characterized by ring-shaped, red, scaly, or blistery patches.
An infection caused by a fungus which grows in hair and nails. The most common form of ringworm is Microsporum canis, which is contagious, and can be spread from cats to humans. Laboratory testing is the only reliable way to reach a diagnosis, as some cats with ringworm appear healthy. Treatment includes anti-fungal drugs administered by mouth or shampoos or dips or clipping of hair. Ask your vet for more details about the treatment programme, which may last 6 weeks; and avoid contact with an infected cat.
Contagious fungal disease characterized by small circular patches in which the hair falls out.
A fungal skin infection; causes a scaly, red shaped ring on the skin.
A skin disease caused by a fungus that causes itching and scaling; when it occurs in the scalp, it can result in hair loss
Skin disease in the form of fungal infection.