Definitions for "SBI"
Subsidiary Body for Implementation. Body established under the UNFCCC to assist the COP in the assessment and review of the Convention’s implementation.
Subsidiary Body for Implementation. (IPCC)
Sertifikat Bank Indonesia. Sertifikat Bank Indonesia (SBI) are Bank Indonesia (BI) certificates, the main tool used by BI, the central bank, for its open market operations. SBIs are issued to control liquidity in the banking system, and are issued in IDR with 1- and 3-month tenors.
State Bank of India
Shriner's Burns Institute
Small Business Institutes. Run by universities and colleges with SBA support.
Sites of Biological Importance (Greater Manchester)
Site of Biological Importance
Service Band Index. An index which specifies the aggregate price level of a sub-basket of services charged by the regulated firm.
Striped Bass Index. An index of the number of young bass which have survived through their first summer. Young bass are sampled with nets which are most efficient for fish about 1.5 inches in length. Sampling methods are consistent (with respect to location, frequency, technique, etc.) so that the number of young striped bass caught may be compared with the catch at various locations year to year. The number of young bass caught by the standard sampling methods allows statistical treatment of data to estimate the abundance of young striped bass and to correlate changes in the number caught with changes in environmental factors.
Keywords:  bracket, initiation, stop
Stop bracket initiation.
Keywords:  investigation, bureau
State Bureau of Investigation
Substantial Beneficial Interest. An interest held by any person of at least 10 percent in the applicant or insured.