Definitions for "SPECTRAL CLASS"
The classification of star according to the appearance of their spectra. Spectral classification is indicated with the letters and the numbers 0 to 9. The letters used are O, B, A, F, G, K, M, often remembered with the mnemonic "Oh be a fine girl (guy), kiss me," and they are assigned to stars in order of decreasing effective temperature. The colors of stars are dictated by their effective temperature, so that an O-star spectrum is brightest at the blue end, while the M-star spectrum is brightest at the red end.
Stars can be classified according to key characteristics in their spectra, mainly the presence and strength of spectral lines. The main spectral classes, in sequence from hottest to coolest are: , , , , , , . Each class is further subdivided into ten subdivisions from 0(hottest) to 9 (coolest). Our Sun is a G2 star.
(or type) The classification of stars according to their temperatures using the characteristics of their spectra; the types are 0 B A F G K M.