A person who: is married to an active plan member, inactive plan member or retired plan member, is married to an active plan member, inactive plan member or retired plan member by a marriage that is voidable and has not been voided by a judgment of nullity, or has gone through a form of a marriage with an active plan member, inactive plan member or retired plan member, in good faith, that is void and is cohabitating or has cohabitated with an active plan member, inactive plan member or retired plan member within the preceding year.
At the time of the retirement or death, a person who is the legally married Spouse or the qualifying common-law Spouse of a Member, Former Member or Pensioner, provided that person and the Member, Former Member or Pensioner are not living separate and apart.
either of 2 individuals who are defined as married under state law. For food stamp purposes, the definition also includes individuals who are living together and represent themselves as husband and wife to relatives, friends, neighbors, or tradespeople.
a person's partner in marriage
a family member, the love is unconditional and transcends the physical
a lover, a friend, a companion, a confidante, a mirror, a true partner
a married person of the opposite sex or same sex if same sex marriages are allowed in the jurisdiction of the marriage
an individual who enters a valid marriage contract
a partner in a legally contracted
a person of the opposite sex to whom you are legally married
a person who is married to the employee or is in a de facto relationship with the employee
a person who qualifies to live permanently in the United Kingdom because he/she is married to a person who is either present and settled in the UK or will be admitted for settlement in the UK when arriving there
a person with whom one is married
a person you are married to
a relative by marriage and not an heir-at-law
a significant other to which the membership holder is legally married
The person to whom you are lawfully married; or a person of the opposite sex who has been cohabiting and residing with you for a continuous period of at least one year, and has been publicly represented by you as your spouse.
Includes legally married spouses and common law spouses.
A person’s wife or husband.
Under the Defense of Marriage Act (Public Law 104-199, September 21, 1996). "Spouse" means an individual who is a husband or wife pursuant to a marriage that is a legal union between one man and one woman, including common law marriage between one man and one woman in States where it is recognized.
A person who, at the date of determination, was married to you and had not lived separate and apart from you for more than 2 years, or if there is no person the above applies to, a person who lived with you in a conjugal relationship for a two-year period immediately before the date on which the benefit entitlement is determined.
a person's husband or wife as a result of legal matrimony.
Husband or wife as the result of a marriage which is legally recognized in the respective state.
means your husband or wife.
Husband or wife including common law marriages which are declared or recognized by the state.
One's husband or wife; any married person.
A person's husband or wife. Back to the Top
The members husband, wife, or defacto.
Legally married husband or wife. A co-habiting partner does not qualify as a spouse for immigration purposes. A common-law husband or wife may or may not qualify as a spouse for immigration purposes, depending on the laws of the country where the relationship occurs.
Your wife or husband as the case may be.
The member's spouse, including a person who, although not legally married to the member, lives with the member on a genuine domestice basis as the husband or wife of the member. Spouse does not include a person of the same sex as the member.
A person who is legally married in a genuine and stable marriage.
When using terms such as 'husband' and 'wife' it is important to consider that this refers to your husband or wife of the time when the Will was written. If you are going through a divorce, your spouse remains your husband or wife until you receive your Decree Absolute.
The person to whom an individual is legally married or a "common-law" spouse who is a person of the opposite sex with whom an individual has been co-habitating in a conjugal relationship for at least 12 months or who is the natural or adoptive parent of their child.
The person to whom you are married - not a cohabitee.
Husband or wife as the result of a ceremonial marriage. A common law marriage is only recognized in Georgia if entered into prior to 1997.
A Participant's Spouse is one that is under a legally valid marriage between persons of the opposite sex. The Plan does not recognize common-law marriages as valid.
The spouse is a person married to the member or former member or who is party to a void marriage.
A spouse is a person of the opposite sex to whom a member is legally married.
Husband or wife as defined or recognized under Washington State Law.
Under the Divorce Act, spouse means a legally married spouse. Generally, the term “spouse†also includes a person who is a former spouse. At the time of writing, the Divorce Act definition of spouse had not been amended to include spouses in same-sex marriages but the term will encompass them if such an amendment is made. Under provincial/territorial family law, the definition of “spouse†varies, but generally has been extended to include certain “common law†or cohabiting couples who are not legally married. Provincial/territorial law may also extend support obligations to certain relationships other than spousal relationships, such as civil unions or same-sex partnerships.
A word which describes either a husband or wife.
For purposes of the Income Tax Act, starting in 2001, the term spouse will mean only a married partner. The term common-law partner will include partners of the same sex or opposite sex, who meet certain conditions. For more information, see your General Income Tax and Benefit guide.
A husband or wife. This includes an unmarried domestic partner.
The person to whom you are legally married. Whilst long term heterosexual relationships are recognised to an extent, homosexual relationships are not. Marriage usually nullifies previous wills.
A husband or wife Related links: Marriage
A person legally married to another person.