The Master was an Australian quiz show that aired on the Seven Network on Wednesday 16 August 2006 and was cancelled after its premiere episode. The remaining episodes aired over the non-ratings period in 2006 and 2007. Hosted by Mark Beretta, the show had a potential prize of a million dollars.
The Master (1961-1984) is a chronological box set album looking back at American R&B/soul legend Marvin Gaye's phenomenal 23-year recording career. Spanning four discs, the box set goes over all portions of Gaye's career with a repertoire that spanned doo-wop, R&B, soul, psychedelic soul and funk with a mixture of themes including dance songs, love ballads, duets, socially conscious material, sensual material and autobiographical revelations. Includes a recorded 1981 live track of Gaye and Gladys Knight & the Pips each singing their seminal hit "I Heard It through the Grapevine", Gaye's famed 1983 performance of "The Star-Spangled Banner" at an NBA All-Star game and an acapella performance of "The Lord's Prayer" taped during Gaye's exile in Belgium.