Definitions for "Worm Hole"
A region of space-time with a black hole at one end, and a white hole at the other end. In the pure mathematical theory of black holes, a way of moving from one part of space-time to another, completely different part of space-time, by cutting through a region of nearly infinite space-time curvature (the black hole). Extremely unlikely to have any relationship to actual physical reality, but a popular method of travel in space soap operas, as requiring an interstellar flight to take decades or centuries, as it would in the real world, would somewhat reduce the drama of the situation.
Restricted neck joining two separate Universes in the curved space geometry around a black hole.
A hypothetical bridge to another universe through the space time continuum created by a black hole.
a dimensional portal between two places that allows something to travel from one place to another without needing to go through everything between
A tube in spacetime which connects two widely separated places in the Universe. Wormholes could provide the possibility of time travel, though they would probably be very unstable, and only exist for a short period of time.
A galvanic reaction that erodes metal for the outer walls of wet cylinder sleeves.