Definitions for "Acetone"
A volatile liquid consisting of three parts of carbon, six of hydrogen, and one of oxygen; pyroacetic spirit, -- obtained by the distillation of certain acetates, or by the destructive distillation of citric acid, starch, sugar, or gum, with quicklime.
Strong solvent used in nail polish remover. Appropriate only for natural nails. Contained in some astringents/toners/fresheners.
A ketone formed in greater abundance in the liver from fatty acids when glucose is not available to the cells for energy. Acetone, one of three ketones, is found in the blood and urine of people with uncontrolled diabetes and causes the breath to have a fruity odor.
A chemical found in the blood when the body uses fat instead of glucose for energy. When acetone is present it can mean that the cells do not have enough insulin.
A chemical formed in the blood when the body breaks down fat instead of glucose for energy. If acetone forms, it usually means the cells are starved. Commonly, the body's production of acetone is known as "ketosis." It occurs when there is an absolute or relative deficiency in insulin so sugars cannot get into cells for energy. The body then tries to use other energy sources like proteins from muscle and fat from fat cells. Acetone passes through the body into the urine.
a chemical used to extract chlorophyll from plant matter
Keywords:  exogenous, paralysis
Exogenous Paralysis
Keywords:  iemeg, child, adult
ND - 160 20,000 IEMEG (child) 3/27/96 70,000 IEMEG (adult)
an organic compound commonly found in the breath that can be inappropriately read as alcohol by the Intoxilyzer.
Keywords:  sebum, oily, ingredient, oil, care
An ingredient in skin care products for oily skin that helps to remove sebum oil from the skin's surface.