a substance used to relieve pain
analgesic herbs are used to relieve pain without loss of consciousness. Some of the herbs commonly used as analgesics include feverfew, lobelia, mullein, pau d'acro, skullcap, willow bark and wood betony.
a medication such as aspirin used to relieve pain.
a class of medications used for the relief of pain and discomfort
an-, not + alg, pain] (n) a substance that relieves pain (also antalgesic)
a substance that alleviates or eliminates pain.
medication which reduces pain.
A substance to dull the pain.
The ability of a substance to reduce pain.
reduces sensitivity to pain
An agent that lessens pain.
Pain reliever. Also termed an anodyne (e.g., white willow).
capable of relieving pain; "the anodyne properties of certain drugs"; "an analgesic effect"
a drug that is used to alleviate pain without causing the loss of consciousness
a drug used for the control or relief of pain
a drug used to reduce pain and is type of anti-inflammatory agent
a drug which can lessen pain without causing unconsciousness
an medications of antihistamine that holds one patent effect of drug interaction for every steroids on the drug
any medication intended to alleviate pain.
Medication for the relief of pain. An analgesic works to increase the patient's pain threshold, thereby decreasing the sensation of pain. Analgesics range from aspirin and acetaminophen to narcotics.
Treatment (usually a drug) to reduce pain.
painkilling or relieving medication
herbs that are taken to relieve pain.
pain reliever such as aspirin, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen. Dysmennorhea: cramps and pain associated with menstrual discomfort.
A medicine used for pain relief. Non-narcotic analgesics, such as paracetamol, aspirin and ibuprofen, are used for mild-to-moderate pain and are usually available over the counter. Narcotic analgesics such as morphine may be prescribed for more severe forms of pain.
A medicine used to reduce pain.
compound capable of relieving pain
Aspirin and Tylenol are common types of analgesics that help to create an absence of the sensation of pain.
A compound used to reduce or treat pain. Examples of analgesics include aspirin, morphine, and acetaminophen.
An analgesic is a remedy that deadens pain without loss of consciousness.
A medicine that relieves pain.
Any drug that relieves pain. Aspirin and acetaminophen are mild analgesics.
pain relieving (Chamomile, Devils claw root)
A herb that relieves pain.
A medication that relieves pain. Aspirin and Tylenol are common analgesics that provide relief from pain. Hougang Dental Centre
any drug intended to alleviate pain.
A type of drug that alleviates pain without loss of consciousness.
remedy or agent that deadens pain
Something that relieves pain
An agent that alleviates pain.
A substance that relieves pain without causing a loss of consciousness. Antineoplastons Substances originally isolated from human urine by Stanislaw Burzynski, which he believes have antitumor properties.
Any drug that is a pain reliever.
A substance which relieves pain.
a drug that relieves pain caused in some compensation claim cases which may be pursued through our expert personal injury lawyers.
An agent (medication) that lessons pain, i.e. aspirin.
Any drug or technique that relieves pain.
A medication or treatment that relieves pain.
A class of drugs that relieves pain without causing loss of consciousness.
medication that reduces or eliminates pain.
a pain-relieving substance.
Relieves pain and discomfort
A drug that relieves pain. With an effective analgesic, there is an inability to feel pain while still conscious. From the Greek an-, without + algesis, sense of pain.
A drug or substance that lessens or eliminates pain.
An agent that relieves pain without causing loss of consciousness.
A drug that reduces pain. Analgesics include aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen.
Medicine used to control pain.
a drug used to relieve pain. Analgesics are classified as narcotics or non-narcotics. Narcotics act on the brain to reduce the perception of pain, for this reason they pose a risk of tolerance and dependence. Non-narcotics act at the site of the pain to reduce the stimulation of the nerve endings. These two types are sometimes combined. Some analgesics also reduce inflammation.
An agent that relieves pain selectively without affecting consciousness or sensory perception.
Substance which relieves pain, without causing loss of consciousness. nalogue metabolism: Process by which a normally non-biodegradable compound is biodegraded in the presence of a structurally similar compound which can induce the necessary enzymes.
A plant property that relieves pain.
Pain relieving substance. There are many herbal and non-herbal pain relievers. Morphrine is one that is abministered in severe pain.
Refers to a compound that reduces pain. Tylenol, aspirin and the opiates are examples of analgesic drugs.
a drug that relieves pain without loss of consciousness.
A medicine's ability to relieve pain, or a drug that alleviates pain; the term comes from the Greek word algos, which means pain.
A medicine that is given to help take away pain.
A substance that relieves pain. (Examples: aspirin, Balsam Poplar.)
1. A compound capable of producing analgesia, i.e., one that relieves pain by altering perception of nociceptive stimuli without producing anesthesia or loss of consciousness. 2. Characterized by reduced response to painful stimuli.
An agent, typically a drug, which relieves pain by altering the perception of painful stimuli without producing anesthesia or loss of consciousness.
a substance that reduces or relieves pain.
medicine given to stop pain
Loss of sensation-pain relieving.
Insensibility to pain without loss of consciousness
A substance which reduces or eliminates pain.
Generic term for medications that relieve pain. Some analgesics like aspirin have a low pain-relieving threshold, whereas others like oxycodone have a much higher ceiling.
medication that works to reduce the body’s perception of pain without producing anesthesia or loss of consciousness Return to previous page
A drug that relieves pain. They are available in three forms: injectable, oral and topical.
Medication given intravenously or intramuscularly to provide pain relief and relaxation. Analgesics do not result in a total loss of feeling, as anesthetic drugs do, though analgesics may slow down labor, especially if given too early in labor.
a drug that relieves or improves pain.
A compound that relieves pain by altering perception of pain-related stimuli without producing anesthesia or loss of consciousness.
medical prescription or compound to alleviate pain.
Refers to any medication that relieves pain while allowing the patient to remain conscious.
referring to herbs which depress pain.
A drug that reduces or relieves pain
Tending to relieve pain, or a substance that relieves/reduces pain.
drug used to produce analgesia, i.e. relieve pain, often referred to as painkillers
a substance that relieves pain without inducing sleep or unconsciousness.
Relieving or deadening pain
Medicine used to relieve pain.
a drug that relieves pain, such as aspirin or acetaminophen.
Is any member of the diverse group of drugs used to relieve pain and to achieve analgesia (colloquially known as painkiller)
Substance which reduces or ameliorates the sensation of pain.
Pain relieving medication
numbs pain while user is alert.
A drug that alleviates pain without causing loss of consciousness.
A painkilling medication. Some analgesics like aspirin have a low pain-relieving threshold, whereas others like oxycodone have a much higher ceiling.
A drug that relieves pain, including over-the-counter medications such as aspirin and acetaminophen and prescription-only medications such as morphine and other opiates.
A medication used for pain relief.
Agent or remedy that deadens pain.
Affects nervous system and nerve function due to its ability to reduce or eliminate pain by acting on the sensory nervous system, either centrally or peripherally. Painful sensations are deadened but still perceived.
A medication that reduces pain.
A drug that relieves pain. Analgesic drugs include nonprescription drugs, such as acetaminophen and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents such as ibuprofen, and those classified as controlled substances and available only by prescription.
A mild remedy, such as aspirin, for relieving pain.
Medicine with pain-relieving qualities
A drug intended to alleviate pain.
Reduces and eliminates pain.
reduces pain Calendula, Willow bark, St. John’s wort, Peppermint
A pain-relieving medicine.
agent that relieves pain without causing a complete loss of sensation.
Agent which relieves pain without causing loss of consciousness.
a drug used to relieve pain. find all NHC pages containing: analgesic
relieving pain; a pain relieving agent.
Analgesics are medicines that relieve pain. For example paracetamol, aspirin and ibuprofen.
A drug that produces loss or reduction of pain sensation, although sensitivity to touch is preserved.
A drug that relieves pain. Aspirin and paracetamol are mild analgesics; morphine and pethidine are more potent.
Medications that relieves pain.
An analgesic (colloquially known as a painkiller) is any member of the diverse group of drugs used to relieve pain (achieve analgesia). This derives from Greek an-, "without", and -algia, "pain". Analgesic drugs act in various ways on the peripheral and central nervous system; they include paracetamol (acetaminophen), the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as the salicylates, narcotic drugs such as morphine, synthetic drugs with narcotic properties such as tramadol, and various others.