Material released into the air from sources other than industrial vents and stacks ( e.g., windblown dust).
Air pollutants released to the air other than those from stacks or vents; typically small releases from leaks in plant equipment such as valves, pump seals, flanges, sampling connections, etc.
Air pollution derived from human activities that do not emanate from a particular point, such as an exhaust pipe or stack. Roadway dust and VOCs from refinery valves are examples of fugitive emissions.
Caused by the escape of gases or liquids from confined vessels or pipes. For instance, methane, which is a greenhouse gas, is produced in landfills by decomposing vegetable matter and can be released into the atmosphere over time.
Substances that enter the air without going through a smokestack, such as dust from soil erosion, strip mining, rock crushing, construction, and building demolition.
Emissions from valves or leaks in process equipment or material storage areas that are difficult to measure and do not flow through pollution-control devices.
these are greenhouse gases emitted in an uncontrolled manner
in the context of the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory, these are greenhouse gases emitted from fuel production, processing, transmission, storage and distribution processes, and include emissions from oil and natural gas exploration, venting, flaring, as well as the mining of black coal
Emissions that escape from industrial processes and equipment.
Emissions not caught by an emission control or capture system.
Substances which escape to air such as leaks from equipment.
Emissions that are released inadvertently or accidentally from a controlled or closed system. Examples of fugitive emissions are leaks from gas pipelines and valves, venting and flaring of gases, methane emissions from coal seams and vapour given off by petroleum stores.
greenhouse gases emitted in an uncontrolled manner, such as during fuel production, processing, transmission, storage and distribution, and include emissions from oil and natural gas exploration, venting, flaring, as well as the mining of black coal
Air emissions that are not released through stacks, vents, ducts, pipes, or any other confined air stream. Examples are equipment leaks or evaporation from surface impoundments.
Unintended gas leaks from the processing, transmission, and/or transportation of fossil fuels, CFCs from refrigeration leaks, SF6 from electrical power distributor, etc. ()
Unintended leaks of gas from the processing, transmission, and/or transportation of fossil fuels.
Intentional and unintentional releases of GHGs from oil and gas wells and coal mines, joints, seals, packing, gaskets, etc.
Emissions not caught by a capture system.