This is a gas that is forced into the space between the two panes in a double paned window. Its purpose is to increase the energy efficiency of the window. To read more on Argon.
A colorless, ordorless inert gas that is the third most abundant consituent of dry air. It comprises 0.93%.
An inert gas used between double window panes to improve insulation capability.
Argon, #18 on the periodic table, is colorless and odorless, like all of the noble gases. It has an atomic mass of 39.948 amu, and its electron levels are 2-8-8. Ar was discovered by Lord Rayleigh and Sir W. Ramsay in England. It melts at 83.95 K, and boils at 87.45 K. Many people don't realize that argon makes up a full 1% of our atmosphere, while carbon dioxide is only a fraction of a percent of our atmosphere. Argon is primarily used to fill the empty space in incandescent light bulbs, and is used to create a greenish color in "neon" lights. Argon is 2.5 times as soluble in water as nitrogen, and has about the same solubility as oxygen. Argon is very inert, but it does form a hydrate, and ion molecules such as (ArKr)+, (ArXe)+, and (NeAr)+. These, however, do not have true chemical bonds. Natural argon has three stable and five radioactive isotopes. At STP (20 degrees C, 1 atm), Ar has a density of 1.784 g/L.
A colorless, odorless element. Uses include shield in arc welding, furnace brazing, electric and specialized light bulbs and for use in geiger-counting tubes, and lasers. Hazard: May cause dizziness and drowsiness and rapid suffocation. In liquid form, is extremely cold and may cause frostbite.
An inert gas frequently used as the ambient gas during the silicon crystal growing process.
An inert, colorless, odorless gas that creates a blue-green color inside a laser tube.
Argon is an inert gas that is lighter than air.
Argon is a type of glass typically put into the airspace separating the panes of a dual glass window to increase energy efficiency.
a colorless and odorless inert gas; one of the six inert gases; comprises approximately 1% of the earth's atmosphere
An odorless, colorless, tasteless, nontoxic gas that is six times denser than air. Replacing the air between two panes of glass with argon gas reduces temperature transfer, making the surface of the glass inside the house closer to the inside temperature.
An inert (will not unite with any other elements to form chemical compounds) gas used in incandescent and fluorescent lamps. In incandescent lamps it helps to retard evaporation of tungsten filament.
An inert, harmless gas injected into the insulated glass airspace to help reduce heat loss.
An inert gas which Insulating glass units are filled with to limit the radiate and conductive loss of long-wave room-side heat energy passing through the window. Argon gas filling also helps in soundproofing.
a colorless, odorless gaseous element that can be found in volcanic gases.
An inert gas which, when mixed with mercury, is used in fluorescent lamps and neon tubes. In gas discharge tubes, the combination of argon and mercury creates a blue color and ultra-violet light, and by itself argon is a pale lavender.
A gas and air constituent used to fill insulating units to increase thermal performance in windows.
A colorless, odorless inert gas sometimes used in the spaces between the panes in energy efficient windows. This gas is used because it will transfer less heat than air. Therefore, it provides additional protection against conduction and convection of heat over conventional double paned windows.
A noble gas, used in light bulbs, gas discharge lamps, lasers, and Geiger Counters.
Colourless, odourless, tasteless gas occurring in the atmosphere and in some volcanic gases.
Monatomic noble gas, atomic number 18, one of the most inert elements. Commonly used as a plasma gas for plasma spraying and providing inert environments for many processes.
an inert gas that makes up less than one percent of air (sometimes used as a drysuit gas).
An inert gas injected inside an insulated glass unit that is heavier or more dense than air. Argon is used to increase thermal performance in windows.
Gas that is used to fill the space between two panes of glass to increase insulation.
A gas used as a laser medium. It emits blue/green light primarily at 448 and 515 nm.
An inert, nontoxic gas used to fill insulating units, thus improving thermal performance.
A colorless, odorless inert gas that is the third most abundant constituent of dry air, comprising 0.93% of the total.
A colorless, inert gas commonly found in air in small volumes. Its inert properties make it ideal for filling the air space of insulated glass units. Using Argon reduces air convection within the sealed air space, increased dimensional stability of the air space and reduces noise infiltration.
An inert, nontoxic gas used in insulating windows to improve the insulating value of sealed glass units.
An inert, colorless, and harmless gas used instead of air in sealed spaces between panes of glass in insulating glass units to increase insulation. Argon is less conductive to heat than air.
An inert gas typically used in deposition systems.
Noble gas, symbol Ar, of atomic mass 40, that composes 0.93% by volume of dry air. Argon is constantly produced in the earth's crust from the radioactive decay of 40K and is subsequently released into the atmosphere. It is the most abundant of the inert gases in the atmosphere, and the third most abundant of all atmospheric constituents. Argon was discovered by Rayleigh and Ramsay in 1894.
Inert gas used in incandescent and fluorescent lamps. In incandescents, argon helps retard the evaporation of the tungsten filament.
An inert, nontoxic gas used in insulating glass to reduce heat transfer.
An inert gas from the Earth's atmosphere that is used inside most light bulbs.
Inert gas with the atomic symbol Ar, atomic number 18, and the atomic weight of 39.948.
atomic symbol, Ar, argon is the 18th element in the periodic table ( atomic number 18) with an atomic weight of 39.95. Argon is a group 0 element and is inert. Argon is used as inert gas for annealing and as a background gas in sputtering due to it's relatively high ionization cross section. Argon is an asphyxiant.