The various kinds of plants that may be attacked by a pathogen or insect.
the range of plants on which an organism, particularly a parasite, feeds
the range of plant species known to serve as hosts for a given parasite also, the range of action of a phage in terms of the species, strains etc. of bacteria in which it can grow.
The series of plants that a particular pathogen can infect or parasitize.
The various kinds of host plants that may be attacked by a parasite.
Kinds of hosts that can be infected by a specific microorganism. Host range is determined by receptors on both the host cells and the microorganism. A parasite with a broad host range can infect many kinds of cells.
The plants that are attacked by a particular pathogen. Plant viruses are typically specific to a few host plants (narrow host range) but tospoviruses (INSV and TSWV) has a very wide host range with many different plants susceptible to attack.
The various plants which a pathogen can infect.
the various kinds of host plants that a particular parasite will invade