The act of interceding; mediation; interposition between parties at variance, with a view to reconcilation; prayer, petition, or entreaty in favor of, or (less often) against, another or others.
An activity of Christ in which he advocates to God the Father the in favor of saved individuals
To intercede in behalf of another person or cause in prayer. "...It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us" (Rom. 8:34).
Entreaty in behalf of others
(Latin intercedare, plead on behalf of). The act of calling on a saint to help with something or to pray to God on one's behalf. See Intercession of Saints.
Prayer for another or others. Intercession "brings before God the needs of others" (BCP, p. 857). Intercession is one of the seven principal kinds of prayer (BCP, p. 856).
The gift of Intercession is the special ability God gives to certain members of the body of Christ to pray for extended periods on a regular basis & see frequent & specific answers to their prayers to a degree much greater than that which is expected of the average Christian. (see James 5:14-16, 1 Timothy 2:1-2, Colos. 1:9-12, Colos. 4:12-13, Acts 12:12, Luke 22:41-44)
Supplication to God in behalf of another person. Christ intercedes before God the Father in behalf of the repentant sinner, and God's people intercede for one another (see Is. 53:12; Jer. 27:18; Rom. 8:34).
From the Latin "to walk between," an entreaty on behalf of another; one of the characteristic prophetic activities.
prayer or pleading on behalf of another
The root of the word for intercession is “intercede” which means to plead or ask on someoneÂ's behalf. The Calendar of Intercession is a daily reminder to intercede with the Almighty on behalf of the person or entity on the list and to remember their needs in prayer.
Intercession, in both Christianity and Islam, is a prayer to God on behalf of another person.