A conical hill or short irregular ridge of gravel or sand deposited in contact with glacial ice.
mound or knoll of sand or gravel deposited by glacial meltwaters.
A body of stratified glacial sediment. A mound or an irregular ridge deposited by a subglacial stream as an alluvial fan or a delta.
A mound of sand and gravel deposited by meltwater in a subglacial channel.
A steep conical hill composed of glaciofluvial materials. This feature forms when glacial crevasses are filled with deposits from sediment filled meltwater.
A deposit, composed largely of material sorted by moving water, formed in direct contact with glacier ice. See esker, moulin kame, kame delta, and kame terrace.
a conical shaped hill that forms when glacial debris is washed down a crevasse of a glacier or runs off the front of a glacier
a knoll or hill composed of outwash deposits, which originally filled a hole in the ice
A sand and gravel deposit formed by running water on stagnant or moving-glacier ice. Crevasse fills or crevasse ridges form within crevasses. Kames form on flat or inclined ice, in holes, or in cracks. A kame terrace forms between the glacier and the adjacent land surface. Shapes include hills, mounds, knobs, hummocks, or ridges.
A conical hill. Composed primarily of water-rounded sand and cobbles, these deposits were left by streams that flowed downward through cracks in the glacial ice. The Kettle Moraine contains the largest and most-important kame fields in the world. Holy Hill, in Washington County is a kame.
a short ridge, hill, or mound of stratified drift deposited by glacial meltwater.
Low mound or knob, deposited by a glacial stream.
A hill or short, steep rise of layered sand or gravel, deposited in contact with glacial ice.
A mound of material marking the former edge of an ice-sheet or glacier.
A pile of rocks- a small hill- left behind at the edge after a large, no longer moving, glacier has melted.
a terrace-like accumulation of sand or gravel deposited at or near the end of a glacier by meltwater streams.
mounds of poorly sorted sand and gravel deposited by glacial meltwater in depressions on the glacier surface or at its margin.
n. A short, steep-sided knoll of glacial sediment.
A short ridge, mound or (sometimes steeply conical) hill of stratified glacial drift deposited by a crack or hole in a stagnant glacier.
A steep-sided, conical mound or hill formed of glacial drift that is created when sediment is washed into a depression on the top surface of a glacier and then deposited on the ground below when the glacier melts away.
hill or terrace deposit of ice-contact, stratified drift laid down in ice-marginal streams or deltas; generally parallel to ice margin.
An irregular, short ridge or hill of stratified glacial drift.
a knoll or hill underlain by stratified glacial drift deposited into a hole in the glacial ice or kettle ponds.
a mound, knob or ridge composed of stratified sand and gravel deposited by a subglacial stream as a fan or delta at the margin of a glacier, by a superglacial stream, or as a ponded deposit on the surface or margin of stagnant ice.
a hill or ridge of poorly sorted gravel or sand impounded in a glacier and deposited by melting of the ice. [AHDOS
Conical hill or ridge of Sand deposited by glacial ice
A kame is a geological feature, an irregularly shaped hill or mound composed of sorted or stratfied sand and gravel that is deposited in contact with the glacial ice. It can have an irregular shape. Kames are often associated with kettles, and this is referred to as kame and kettle topography.