Definitions for "Seisin"
Legal possession of a property. (Gies, Frances and Joseph. Life in a Medieval Village, 245) Possession (often contrasted with ownership) of land. (Sayles, George O. The King's Parliament of England, 145) The possession of land enjoyed by a person who is "seated" on the land, who is in a position to take what the land produces. Seisin of a freehold is occupation by one other than a tenant in villeinage, a tenant-at-will, a tenant for a term of years, or a guardian. (Hogue, Arthur R. Origins of the Common Law, 257) Feudal possession; the exercise and enjoyment of rights deriving from possession, usually of land, held as a freehold (but not as leasehold or a servile tenure). To be "in seisin" was to be "seized of" control of such an estate or other freehold rights. Livery of seisin (i.e., delivery of seisin by a grantor) was usually by some symbolic act. To be disseised was to be ousted from seisin. (Warren, W.L. Henry II, 636) Related terms: Disseisin / Mort d'Ancestor / Novel Disseisin
Possession of land by someone holding a freehold estate in the land.
Possession of land under a claim of freehold (also spelled seizing).
Keywords:  sasine
same as sasine.
Keywords:  seizin, see
See Seizin.
Keywords:  seizure
A token of ownership, formally handed over when property is sold.