Definitions for "Selah"
A word of doubtful meaning, occuring frequently in the Psalms; by some, supposed to signify silence or a pause in the musical performance of the song.
Selah is the Hebrew word [ celah] whose origin and meaning is unknown. Conjecture and historical speculation regarding it's meaning is rampant, but the best guess is that it means to lift up, or to accenuate. Assumed used as a musical term showing pause. This word is found seventy-three times in the Psalms, and three times in the book of Habakkuk. The psalms being a sort of hymnbook of Israel. [ back
(se-LAH) interj. Selah. Perhaps related to a shoresh (salah) meaning to lift up (as voices) before a pause. Occurs 71 times in the Psalms, three times in Habakkuk. From salah, "to lift up" (the voice). Selah might have been a musical mark suggesting a forte of voices just before a reflective instrumental interlude. Upon selah, the singers would pause and only the instruments were heard.
Keywords:  tbn, christian, club, band, hour
Selah is a Christian band that has been featured on The 700 Club, The Hour of Power, and TBN.