Also known as IP telephony and internet telephony, it is technology that enables routing of voice conversations over the internet or any other IP network. This departs from the traditional use of dedicated, circuit switched voice transmission lines, instead carrying the voice data over a general-purpose packet switched network. (source)
Voice Over IP, a term that originally described the transmission of real-time voice calls over a data network that uses IP, but currently is used to describe “anything over IP,” for example, voice, fax, video, etc.
Edit / VoIP - Descriptive name for the technique of digitizing voice phone calls and sending them over a packet switched IP network. Phone calls were once sent over the PSTN only. Data networks tended to have quality and latency problems associated with them when sending voice information. As these problems were resolved, the efficiencies and advantages of packet switched networks made them increasingly popular. See Also: IP PSTN QoS
A real-time voice communications technology by which computers send voice information in digital form over the Internet, rather than in the circuits of the traditional public telephone system. See also Internet phone.
Voice delivered using the Internet Protocol. It is a term used in IP telephony for a set of facilities for managing the delivery of voice information using the Internet Protocol (IP). In general, this means sending voice information in digital form in discrete packets rather than in the traditional circuit-committed protocols of the public switched telephone network (PSTN). A major advantage of VoIP and Internet telephony is that it avoids the tolls charged by ordinary telephone service.
Voice transmission in digital packets over the Internet, which is less expensive than voice transmission in analog packets using POTS.
Connecting voice conversations over controlled IP environments (like private networks such as frame realy and ATM).
VoIP is a set of technologies that enables voice to be sent over a packet network.
Voice over Internet Profile, is another way of saying IP Telephony. It involves the transmission of telephone calls over a data network like the Internet. In other words, VoIP can send voice, fax, and other information over the Internet, rather than through the (PSTN) or regular telephone network.
Technology that allows telephone systems to operate over a network connection. More bandwidth can be allocated to data when less phone calls are being made.
A technique for transmitting voice (analog) calls over a TCP/IP network versus a traditional carrier circuit-switched network; ideally with little or no quality difference.
Is used to transmit voice calls over an Internet connection using Internet Protocol (IP).
Instead of old-time circuit-switched networks Voice over IP uses Internet Protocol (IP), where calls are broken into informational "packets" and then sent over data networks and reassembled upon arrival. This more efficient method of transport results in potentially lower costs compared to traditional phone calls that tie up all of the capacity on a copper phone line. See also Managed Voice over IP, Unmanaged Voice over IP, latency, latency, convergence, Covad
A category of hardware and software that enables people to use the Internet as the transmission medium for telephone calls. For users who have free, or fixed-price Internet access, Internet telephony software essentially provides free telephone calls anywhere in the world. To date, however, Internet telephony does not offer the same quality of telephone service as direct telephone connections. There are many Internet telephony applications available. Some, like CoolTalk and NetMeeting, come bundled with popular Web browsers. Others are stand-alone products. Internet telephony products are sometimes called IP telephony, Voice over the Internet (VOI) or Voice over IP (VoIP) products.
Voice over IP enables a router to carry voice traffic (for example, telephone calls and faxes) over an IP network. In Voice over IP, the DSP segments the voice signal into frames, which are then coupled in groups of two and stored in voice packets. These voice packets are transported using IP in compliance with ITU-T specification H.323.
A type of communication channel where real time voice communications are transmitted over an internet protocol network.
Voice Over IP provides the ability to carry on a conversation over the Internet, while still browsing the Internet. It is the transmission of real time voice calls over a data network that uses IP. Typically requires broadband (DSL, cable, or LAN based connections).
Voice Over IP is a technology that enables transmission of voice in a digital form in packets over the Internet.
A rapidly emerging technology that allows transmission of phone calls (two-way audio) over the Internet.
Transmission of live voice and sound over the Internet using a computer, microphone and software.
The technology used to transmit voice conversations over a data network using the Internet Protocol.
A technology for transmitting telephone calls over the Internet. Also called IP telephony.
Usually referred to as VoIP, this term refers to technology that allows for voice communication over a broadband connection. VoIP can be used instead of PSTN networks.
VoIP – Voice over Internet Protocol is another way of saying IP Telephony. It lets you transmit telephone calls over a data network like the Internet. In plain English, VoIP can send voice, fax and other information over the Internet, rather than through the regular telephone network.
VoIP is voice communications transmitted over the Internet.
The process of transmitting voice traffic across an IP-based packet network.
Voice over Internet Protocol, also called VoIP, IP Telephony, Internet telephony, Broadband telephony, Broadband Phone and Voice over Broadband is the routing of voice conversations over the Internet or through any other IP-based network.