component of the cell walls of many rhodophytes and kelps. Alginates have an affinity for water, and so help to slow dessication when the algae are exposed to the air; they are commercially important in the production of paper, toothpaste, beer, and frozen foods.
A polysaccharide from algae
Gelatinous substance obtained from seaweed and used as an emulsifier and thickening agent.
A plaster like compound used to take impressions. It is considered safe.
An irreversible gelatinous substance used in an impression material.
A powdery extract of marine kelp when mixed with water sets into a gelatinous form. It is used to taking impressions of the orbit or globe.
Salt found in the cell wall of brown algae. Alginates are used in food processing to stabilize certain mixtures (e.g. emulsions), to seal in moisture and to thicken texture, among other things.
A gel like material used to make molds from you teeth (impressions). Alginate is traditionally made from natural materials and quite safe.
a gel substance sourced from the marine alga, kelp (Phylum: Phaeophyta), which is used industrially as a thickening agent for such things as food and paint.
A powdered derivative of algae and kelp, which when mixed with water sets to a gelatin-like elastomer. Developed for use in dentistry. Is a short term molding material which will shrink or expand over time, depending on the ambient moisture.
A component of seaweed comprised of sugars.