A vegetable oil base in which essential oils are diluted to create massage blends and body care products. They "carry" the essential oil onto the skin. Examples include sweet almond, apricot kernel, jojoba and grapeseed. The carrier oils themselves can be selected for their therapeutic benefits. Avoid Mineral and Petroleum based oils.
A vegetable or nut base oil used to dilute essential oils prior to the application on your skin.
Basic oils used to make infusions, massage oils, culinary oils, etc.. Almond, apricot kernel, grape seed, hazelnut, jojoba, and olive are good examples of carrier oils. Each has slightly different properties. For example, hazelnut oil penetrates most easily and deeply and has no smell or taste, unlike olive oil whose scent can overpower the fragrance of the essential oil.
An oil which is used to dilute essential oils for the purpose of massage - see fixed oils
any pure vegetable or nut oil that dilutes essential oils for use on the skin.
A vegetable oil base in which essential oils are diluted to create massage oils and body care products. Examples include sweet almond, apricot kernel, jojoba and grape seed.
Carrier oil is just what it sounds like – an oil base that carries essential oils. Basically, they're mixed together to make massage oils and skin care products. Some examples are apricot kernel, grape seed, jojoba and sweet almond.
Carrier oil, also known as base oil or vegetable oil, is used to dilute essential oils and absolutes before they are applied to the skin. They are so named because they carry the essential oil onto the skin. Carrier oils do not contain a concentrated aroma, unlike essential oils, nor do they evaporate like them.