Definitions for "Credit crunch"
A sudden reduction in the availability of credit from banks and capital markets at given interest rates on bank loans and other credit instruments. The reduced availability can result from many factors, including an increased perception of risk to lenders, an imposition of credit controls, or a sharp restriction of the money supply.
a state in which there is a short supply of cash to lend to businesses and consumers and interest rates are high
an effect of a supply-side recession, not the cause, even if it comes before the technical declaration of a state of recession and even if it makes the recession itself worse
Keywords:  crunch
=The Credit Crunch=
a formidable shock to the small business sector that is the back-bone of any market economy
a kiss of death for most asset markets
Occurs when credit availability is so restricted that normal economic or financial activity is adversely impacted. It is a more extreme case of credit rationing which has tightened.