a political system in which all citizens are allowed to influence policy by means of a direct vote, or referendum , on any particular issue
A form of democracy in which all or most citizens participate directly by either holding office or making policy. The town meeting, in which citizens vote on major issues, is an example
a form of government in which all citizens are expected to take part in the governing process. An example of an exercise in direct democracy is a referendum.
A form of democratic government whereby citizens have the right to participate in decision making through referenda on legislative initiatives. Direct democracy can exist in parallel to representative democracy, for example, where ballot initiatives allow citizens to vote on legislative initiatives, or replace representative democracy. In practice, direct democracy is limited by the complexity of modern policy making and the capacity for citizens to deliberate issues in a timely and expedient manner.
A form of government in which citizens have a direct role on policymaking. | In a direct democracy, a citizen votes on each policy issue to be decided, rather than relying on the work of his or her representatives. [ Lesson 1
System or process that depends on the voice of the people (and not representatives), usually through referendums or initiatives, to make public policy decisions.
a form of government in which citizens directly govern themselves. Various measures of direct democracy can be found within systems of representative or indirect democracy, for example, referendums in which citizens vote to decide a question of public policy.
Direct democracy, classically termed pure democracy,A. http://www.aolsvc.worldbook.aol.com/wb/Article?id=ar153840 Democracy in World Book Encyclopedia, World Book Inc., 2006. B. http://m-w.com/dictionary/pure%20democracy Pure democracy entry in Merriam-Webster Dictionary. C. http://www.yourdictionary.com/ahd/p/p0667300.html Pure democracy entry in American Heritage Dictionary" comprises a form of democracy and theory of civics wherein sovereignty is lodged in the assembly of all citizens who choose to participate.