The manner in which a fire reacts to fuel, weather and topography; common terms used to describe fire behavior include smoldering, creeping, running, spotting, torching and crowning.
A general term that refers to the combined effect of fuel, weather and topography on a fire.
The manner in which a wildland fire develops; how fuels ignite, flame development, and fire spread.
The manner in which a fire reacts to the influences of fuel, weather and topography.
A complex chain-reaction process that describes the ignition, buildup, propagation, and decline of any fire in wildland fuels.
The manner in which fuel ignites, flame develops, fire spreads and exhibits other characteristics. The combined effects of the fire's environment on its behavior. A general descriptive term used to designate what a fire is doing.
The manner in which fuel ignites, flames develop, and heat and fire spread. Sometimes used with reference to the characteristics of a particular fire as distinguished from other fires.