Deer naturally breed this way. A stag will "hold" a group of hinds in order to breed with them. He may be challenged by other stags.
(HAR·em). The women in an oriental household including the mother, sisters, wives, concubines, daughters, entertainers, servants, and the like, or the place of their residence.
a subunit of a larger social group consisting of a male associated with two or more females.
A group of sexually mature females dominated by and mating with one male. H08311. Definition from Hurnik et al., 1995.
Secluded part of a Moslem household to keep women separate; also the women therein (Arabic harim, something forbidden and haram, sanctuary)
living quarters reserved for wives and concubines and female relatives in a Muslim household
a room that is forbidden for men to enter
a small group of adult females with young and an adult male
a term for the living quarters of abducted women, nominally treated as wives
A social structure whereby several females associate and breed with a single male.
From the Arabic"haram" meaning unlawful, protected or forbidden, it was a separate part of the house for the women, where they were isolated/ protected from strangers & only family men could enter.
A social system in which a male hummingbird mates with several females. See polygamy and promiscuity.
a group of females associated with one male - used of polygynous animals.
A harem is a house or a section of a house reserved for women members of a household. Harem can also refer to the wives, concubines, female relatives, and servants occupying such a place.
This is partly a genre, partly a formula and partly a recognition of the young male anime audience. The important element is that there is one male, generally shy and reserved around females, who finds himself suddenly at the center of a story involving multiple females who have a tendency towards being extremely cute and sexy.
Women's apartments in a home the female members of a man's household.
several females associated with one male; can include wives and servants
A group of females associated with one male - used in reference to polygamous animals .
The women's appartments in a Muslim household
women's apartments in a Muslim household.
Literally women in Arabic, or the place where women lodge. Ar: prohibited.
Coming from the Arab tradition, the harîm Øريم (compare haram) is the part of the household forbidden to male strangers. The world knows the harem by way of the Ottoman Empire. The word itself means privacy that is very respected and honored.