The state or philosophy of having more than one wife; a subset of polygamy.
plural marriage with one man and two or more wives.
The practice whereby a man has more than one wife. This was seen in many places in the Bible. It is still practiced in predominately Muslim countries where a man can generally be married to up to four wives -- but only if he can treat them equally. This is seen in many Western U.S. states among some fundamentalist Mormon denominations. It is legal -- sort of -- in British Columbia, Canada.
A state of legal marriage in which a man has two or more wives. Adjective: "polygynous".
marriage between one man and two or more women simultaneously.
having more than one wife at a time
marriage of a man to more than one woman.
Marriage of one man to more than one woman at a time.
The marriage custom of a man having several wives at the same time; a form of polygamy.
The concurrent marriage of one man with two or more women.
The term polygyny (neo-Greek: poly+gune Many + Wives) is used in related ways in social anthropology and sociobiology.