(used of relationships and of individuals) having one mate; "monogamous marriage"; "monogamous for life"
Pertaining to a mating system in which a a single male and a single female breed and remain together to raise the offspring of at least one litter.
Animals which form a single breeding pair and mate for life are monogamous. Dominant male crocodiles will mate with as many females as they can during a breeding season, and are polygamous.
a mating system in which one male and female remain mated for multiple years
Monogamy is a reproductive system in which males and females form single pairs. Each male is paired with a single female (or vice versa). Monogamy is widespread among some groups such as birds, but is generally the exception rather than the rule in the animal kingdom. (See Polygyny and Polyandry) Definition link: monogamy
pairs of animals that remain attached to each other and do not seek mates elsewhere
Term to describe an animal species that pairs with or has only one mate at a time. Purple Martins are monogamous in their pair-bonding behavior, which enables the sexes to equally share the duties of nest building and feeding of offspring. Compare with "Polygamous" and "Promiscuous."
paired with only one mate for at least one breeding season.
Having one mate at a time.