Definitions for "Phase I"
Clinical trial designed to determine the safety and appropriate dose.
Phase I studies are the first studies conducted in humans, usually in healthy volunteers, as the intention is to collect data on the tolerability, pharmacokinetics and biological effects of the drugs, not to treat disease or illness. Phase I studies with cytotoxic drugs, for e.g. certain anti-cancer drugs, tend to be carried out in patients who have the disease.
an initial study to evaluate the safety of a drug in a single dose in a small group of people.
an initial environmental site assessment
A preliminary investigation conducted by DEC of site location and history
Phase II Phase III Phase IV Placebo Preclinical study Principal investigator
The process in which the relinquished property is sold and all respective paper work for that process are done. This process is also known as the "down-leg" of the tax deferred exchange process.
The first part of the exchange in which the exchanger assigns the right to sell the property to the accommodator. The property is sold, and the proceeds are then held by the accommodator until the replacement property has been identified.
Disposition of Taxpayer's Relinquished Property.
An exploratory survey of an area to determine location and boundaries of any historic or archaeological sites potentially eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.
Generally consists of a records search, a pedestrian field survey, and a written report.
First phase of proposal submission. Target dedicated times are calculated with the help of information given in the Observer's Manuals.
The usual designation of the initial process in applying for observation time, consisting of the scientific planning of a request (the title of the project; identifying members of the project team; an abstract briefly describing the purpose of the requested observations; a catalogue of sources giving their positions, brightnesses, and priorities; etc). RTML 3.0 supports this phase by providing the Project and Catalogue tags.
Biotransformation, involves hydrolysis, reduction, and oxidation. These reactions expose or introduce a functional group. Many times, this is the rate-determining step of biotransformation.
Requires discharges from large construction sites, certain industrial activities and operators of "medium" or "large" MS4s (MS4s that serve a population of 100,000 or greater), to obtain permits and implement a storm water management program as a means to control polluted discharges from these activities.