The product of a catalytic reformer. An aromatics-rich high-octane motor or aviation gasoline blendstock. Many refineries route a part of the reformate they produce through aromatics extraction units to recover the benzene, toluene, and xylenes it contains.
The product of the reforming process which runs at high temperature with a catalyst to convert paraffinic and naphthenic hydrocarbons into high octane stocks, primarily aromatics suitable for blending into finished gasoline.
Reformate is the output of a fuel processor. Such a gas stream will often contain hydrogen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. The reformate gas stream will eventually pass to the fuel cell stack, possibly after some further cleaning.
Product, composed of 6-10 carbon atoms, obtained from the reforming unit of a petroleum refinery, or the process to change the hydrocarbon structure by using heat or catalyst to obtain more gasoline. Reformate can be used as raw material for the production of gasoline and used for the Aromatics plant