Definitions for "Star apple"
Star Apple: (Chrysophyllum cainito) The Star Apple is a native of the Greater Antilles, including Jamaica, and was introduced from these islands to the rest of the tropical world. The fruit is either a shiny purple color or green. When cut crossways it reveals a star-shaped pattern. Star Apple is frequently combined with oranges and condensed m ilk to form a dessert called ‘matrimonyâ€(tm).
evergreen tree of West Indies and Central America having edible purple fruit star-shaped in cross section and dark green leaves with golden silky undersides
An important part of a traditional dessert known a as matrimony, the star apple is a succulent round fruit about the size of an orange. Native to Jamaica and the Greater Antilles, the skin of this fruit is either a shiny purple color or a less eye-catching green. No matter what color, the flesh of the star apple is delicious.