The concentration of organic matter in the sediment, expressed in terms of carbon (MW = 12.00) a dry weight basis (usually g/kg or mg/kg).
represents the total organic carbon in a given sample. Determined by oxidation of the organic matter with heat and oxygen or chemical oxidants, followed by the measurement of the H2O liberated with an infared analyser.
The organic carbon in wastewater is composed of a variety of organic compounds in various oxidation states. The TOC is a more convenient and direct expression of total organic content than either the BOD or COD, but does not provide the same information. TOC measurement does not replace BOD and COD testing.
A measure of the concentration of organic carbon in water, determined by oxidation of the organic matter into carbon dioxide (CO2). TOC includes all the carbon atoms covalently bonded in organic molecules. Most of the organic carbon in drinking water supplies is dissolved organic carbon, with the remainder referred to as particulate organic carbon. In natural waters, total organic carbon is composed primarily of nonspecific humic materials. Total organic carbon is used as a surrogate measurement for disinfection by-product precursors, although only a small fraction of the organic carbon will react to form these by-products. Quantitatively, total organic carbon is determined by removing interfering inorganic carbon, such as bicarbonate (HCO3–), and oxidizing the organic carbon to carbon dioxide. Typically, the carbon dioxide is then measured with a nondispersive infrared detector.
screening test which measures the amount of organic carbon in the water sample.
(TOC = RC + PC = Wt % organic C in the rock) The TOC is the sum of the residual carbon (RC) and the pyrolyzable carbon (PC). Residual Carbon (RC=0.1*S4) is determined from the amount of carbon dioxide that is evolved during combustion of the rock sample. This assumes complete combustion with no contamination by carbonate carbon. The organic carbon represented by the carbon dioxide from pyrolysis (S3) is fairly small and is excluded from the TOC calculation.
TOC represents the total amount of organic matter present in the water. The concentrations present in water do not present any risk to health. No significant increase
TOC is the concentration of carbon present in oxidizable organic compounds in the water. It is expressed as ppm or ppb carbon.
This is the sum of organic carbon and is a monitoring parameter analyzed in environmental water programs. It is a physical sediment factor which can influence the concentration of other compounds. Represented variations in concentration can be attributable to spatial and temporal variations in sediment type.
Total organic carbon (TOC) is the amount of carbon bound in an organic compound and is often used as a non-specific indicator of water quality or cleanliness of pharmaceutical manufacturing equipment.