(Skt.): Name of DEITY, representing the SAMBHOGAKAYA- aspect of SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA. Vajradhara is the founder of TANTRAYANA.
Male meditational deity; the form through which Shakyamuni Buddha revealed the teachings of secret mantra.
( Skt. / Tib. Dorje Chang): Literally, "vajra holder." The name of the dharmakaya buddha who is of particular importance to the Kagyu lineage. The ultimate source of tantric teachings, he is of dark blue color and crosses his arms while holding a bell and dorje, symbolizing the inseparability of wisdom and skillful means.
Vajradhara is the ultimate Primordial Buddha, or Adi Buddha, according to the cosmology of Tibetan Buddhism. Vajradhara displaced Samantabhadra Buddha in Gelug and Kagyu mythologies, but is metaphysically equivalent.