Definitions for "Disability Discrimination Act 1995"
The DDA aims to stop discrimination against people with disabilities. The DDA gives people with disabilities equal rights and access to employment, education, property, transport and goods, facilities or services. The DDA says that service providers, employers and similar are not allowed to treat disabled people less favourably because of their disability. If you believe you have been discriminated against because you have a disability the DDA can be used to challenge this discrimination.
A significant piece of legislation representing the cornerstone of civil rights for disabled people in the UK.
The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA) was introduced with a view to ending the discrimination faced by disabled people. The DDA gives disabled people rights in a number of areas including: Employment Access to goods, facilities and services; and The management, buying or renting of property These rights have been introduced gradually: Since 2 December 1996 it has been against the law for you, as a company providing a service, to treat disabled people less favourably because of their disability Since 1 October 1999 your company should be making reasonable adjustments for disabled customers (e.g. additional help or altering the way you provide a service) From 1 October 2004 your company may have to make reasonable adjustments to your premises to ensure that there are no physical barriers stopping or making it unreasonably difficult for the disabled person to access your premises