"Server Side Includes" - Directives that are included and processed in html pages that are evaluated by the Server prior to the page being served to the web surfer. SSI has a limited set of commands that it can use and is not as full featured as using CGI or PHP to generate the pages. (thanks to CD34 at GG&Jim)
Server Side Include - a file spliced into a Web document on the Web server. May be performed by the Web server itself, or commonly by a server side script such as Perl, ASP, ColdFusion or PHP.
Server Side Includes. HTML Comment commands placed in an HTML file which causes a webserver to execute an action when the page is viewed by a user.
This is a method of calling or "including" code into a web page. To utilize SSI, your web server must be set to check for and respond to these codes called in HTML pages. The SSI calls are embedded in HTML comments, so if they are called from a server that doesn't support SSI, or is not actively looking for them, they are ignored. You can use SSI to easily include a particluar bit of HTML code on a group of HTML pages. This can be used to create a single look and feel across multiple HTML pages. You can also use SSI to call CGI programs.
( Server-Side Include) SSIs allow for dynamic additions, such as a clock with the current time, to be easily attached to web pages.
SSI is the acronym for "Server-Side Includes." It was the first Server-Side language for Web Pages. It has limited applications.
An initial page used to capture the user's attention for a short time as a promotion or lead-in to the site's home page. See home page, plug-in.
Server Side Include. There are a number of "server side" commands supported by Web servers, which enable greater flexibility for the delivery of Web pages. The #include command enables an author to include an existing file in his page. This is particularly useful for including content that should be available on every single page such as the "header" section of a document. On the mainframe CICS Transaction Server provides extensive support for server side commands in Web applications.
S.S.I stands for 'Server Side Include'. As usual, that doesn't make it any easier to understand! The easiest way to describe SSI is this: Imagine if you had 1000 webpages. On every webpage you wanted to have an advert showing for one of your sponsors. Now, let's say that this advert needed changing. Man - that's a LOT of work. Can you imagine opening 1000 webpages, altering that darn advert on each page, and then uploading them? That would be a lot of work... Enter the magic of SSI. If you had crafted those 1000 pages using SSI, all you would have to do would be to alter ONE page. Then the ad would be updated on all of the rest of the pages. SSI is a way to display one bit of information accross an infinite amount of pages and, when you want to update that information, keep the editing required down to only ONE file. For more help, look at Your First Look At Using SSI
Server Side Include An SSI is a command directing a server to run a program. One kind of SSI results in parsed HTML, ie web pages that are created on the fly (or DHTML).
A type of coding which allows you to embed special directives into an HTML document and direct the Web server to dynamically generate various pieces of data, such as date and time.
Server Side Incudes. Often used by Web developers in order to facilitate in updating content on Web sites. An SSI is a variable value that a web server can dynamically add to an otherwise static Web page. SSI-enabled Web pages will often be found with .shtml extensions.
Look for Server Sides Includes
A type of HTML comment inserted into a web page to instruct the web server to generate dynamic content. The most common use is to include standard header or footer for the page.
The HTML code that is replaced by data from the server before being displayed in web browser.
This allows active content in an otherwise static web page
Server Side Includes. Commands that can be included in web pages that are processed by the web server when a user requests a file. The command takes th form !--#include virtual="/path/to/file"--. For example, a common use for SSI commands is to insert the date or last modified date on a file.
Acronym for : Server Side Includes. Directives issued to Apache server software. SSI is parse by the software. Similar to including commands within a web page to execute server side applications and scripts. Common uses are including files inside a regular HTML document. This allows authors to update multiple documents by modifying one file. See our SSI for more information. Or Website Manager for a Perl script that manages SSI for you.
(Server-Side Include) An HTML instruction telling a computer to dynamically generate data for a web page.
Server Side Include is a type of HTML comment that directs the Web server to dynamically generate data for the webpage. SSIs can also be used to execute programs and insert the results into a webpage. Webpages that contain SSIs often end with the .shtml extension.
Server-Side Includes. Instructs the server to include some dynamic information in a Web page before it is sent to a client. This dynamic information could be current date, an opinion poll, etc. Many hosts require that SSI pages have .shtml extension to reduce the load on servers by not having to parse non-SSI pages.
A server-side include is a variable value (for example, a file "Last modified" date) that a server can include in an HTML file before it sends it to the requestor. Then, the server will obtain the last-modified date for the file and insert it before the HTML file is sent to requestors. A Web file that contains server-side include statements (such as the "echo" statement above) is usually defined by the administrator to be a file with an ".shtml" suffix.
Data that is generated "on the fly" by the server for displaying on a web page. The data is stored in a text file, and pointed to by an "include" statement in the HTML programming. Commonly used for navigation menus. The text is "included" on the "server side" (versus the "client side," which is your computer).
Intel is currently working with leading server OEMs and industry suppliers to help gain ground for the SSI form factor initiative. The goal of the SSI initiative is to deliver a set of specifications covering two primary server elements: power supplies and electronic bays, and thus lay the groundwork for future growth in the server market. The initiative is similar to such desktop PC efforts as ATX and NLX, in that it is working to define common packaging elements for the server market. [ ] In Standby mode, the video and fixed disk drive shut down; all other devices operate normally.
Server Side Includes are used to add dynamically generated content to a web page. If SSI command is used within HTML code, the webserver will execute them, and they will be replaced with the results of the SSI program. Generally, this is considered better solution for search engine indexing and positioning than more complicated PL/ASP database queries.
This abbreviation stands for Server Side Includes. These are commands generally embedded in HTML which direct a web server to do certain actions. By contrast, although languages like PHP can also be embedded in HTML, they're aimed at influencing browser behavior, rather than the behavior of the web server.
Server Side Includes. Allows the server to parse special page commands. As an example if you had a footer you wanted on all your pages that may change from time to time, you can create a text file with the desired footer and place it in your document. On each page you put a simple include to read the file and place it at the bottom of the desired pages.
Server Side Includes or SSI is a simple server-side scripting language used almost exclusively for the web. As its name implies, its primary use is including the contents of one file in another.
Server Side Includes. A file fragment or part of a document that a server can include in an HTML file before it sends it to the browser.
Server Side Includes. Server side includes (or SSI) is a set of tags which can be used within HTML pages to be replaced by something else, added ("included") by the server. An example might be that you have one file with copyright information which goes on the bottom of every page. By using a SSI tag, you could tell the server to replace every tag on every page with the copyright information. The benefit is that you could have one file containing the copyright information that gets placed on hundreds of pages on your site. By updating the single page, all the others are instantly updated when loaded by the server. On most servers you must use a filename extension of ".shtml" in order for SSI tags to operate.
Server Side Includes (SSIs) are special tags that can be placed in your HTML document and are the simplest way to generate dynamic content from your web server
server side includes - are commands that you give to your webserver by placing them right inside your HTML code! You can include a standard copyright disclaimer at the bottom of every page of your website, and if you need to change it, you only have to change it once
Server Side Includes. Commands that can be included in web pages that are processed by the web server when a user requests a file. The command takes the form !--#include virtual="/path/to/file"--. A common use for SSI commands is to insert a universal menu into all of the pages of the web site so that the menu only has to be changed once and inserted with SSI instead of changing the menu on every page.
SSI scripts are embedded into web pages and are usually used to include external files inside of a page or show date information. The script is executed before the page is delivered to the client. Web pages with SSI scripts usually have the extension .shtml.
SMDS to access Server Interface.
Tells a server to include information (source from a separate file) in a document before sending it to the browser. A very effective method of producing the same information over many pages as one file can be altered to produce the changes over the many the pages that includes the SSI file.
Server Side Includes and a way of inserting a repetitive element (such as a footer) into a page rather. It makes maintaining the element easier.
Server Side Inclusion A type of HTML instruction telling a computer that serves Web pages to dynamically generate data. Used especially in database searches.
SSI stands for Server Side Includes. It lets you add directives to your HTML page and since these directives are executed by the server before serving the page, you can add some dynamic effets to your HTML page.
SSI stands for 'server-side includes', a type of HTML comment that directs the webserver to dynamically generate data for the Web page whenever information is requested. SSIs can also be used to execute programs and insert the results; therefore they represent a powerful tool for web developers.
SSI (Server Side Includes) is a method of invoking script programs that run on the web server to perform some function and/or add information to a web page. The information might be a variable value (e.g, a file "Last modified" date) that a server can include in an HTML file before it sends it to the requestor. SSIs can include environmental variables (like the date), or they can insert code from another file.
Server Side Include. A file or value of an environmental variable, that is included in an HTML document, so that information such as last date modified, file size, author etc. can be automatically included.
or "Server Side Include" - Used in advanced web programming to produce dynamically generated web pages.
(Server Side Include): a piece of programming code, text, graphic or other object pulled into a Web page by the Web server just before it is sent to the Web brower.
Commands that can be embedded in web pages which are then processed by the web server the page is requested. The most common usage of SSI is the inclusion of common menus, headers and footer elements for a page. Using SSI, when the page containing the common element is updated, then all the pages containing the SSI command that calls for that element will display the updated version.
A SSI (server-stored information) is a service that allow client to store its contact list data (buddies, groups, comments, visibility, invisibility, ignore, perms mask) on the server. This increases client mobility and drastically reduces network traffic and server load. Oscar use family 0x13 for this service.
Server Side Includes. Commands that are placed in HTML pages, and checked on the server at the same time as the pages are being served.
Server Side Include. AIT supports the use of SSI on your web site, in order to utilize this, you need to make sure your web page is suffixed as .shtml.
Server Side Include. The facility provided by most web servers, e.g. NCSA httpd, to replace special tags in an HTML file with the contents of another file before the file is sent out by the server, i.e. an HTML macro. Source: Dictionary.com
(Server Side Includes) SSI is commands that can be embedded in web pages that are processed by the web server when a user requests a file. The most common usage of SSI is the inclusion of common menus, headers and footer elements for a page. KnownHost offers SSI pre-bundled with either cPanel or Plesk control panel.
Short for Server Side Include - A way for a web server to include variable values and information from an external source into a web page as it is requested by the browser. Uses include automatic display of data like the Last Modified date of the page, or storing common page elements in their own files, enabling site-wide updates by modifying a single file. Introduction to Server Side Includes
are a set of directives that can be included in HTML pages and processed by the web server to create simple dynamic documents. Transport Control Protocol(TCP)
(Server-side includes) see Include Files.
an advanced hosting feature which allows cgi calls to be placed inside the html code of a web page. When a web browser begins to display the web page it sees the SSI call and accesses the referenced cgi program. The SSI call text inside the html document is then replaced with the output from the cgi program and the web page is displayed in the browser.
Server-side include, a method by which Web pages can include small pieces of information that are not directly stored in their file.
Server Side Includes ( More Info.)
Server Side Includes.The ability to include files from the server inside an HTML document.
Server Side Includes. SSI allow you to write some commonly used code once and have the server insert it into the pages for you. In other words an include file has code that you would like to reuse. Any ASP or SHTML page that wants to use the code in the include file will have a special line that indicates the place holder for the code. This code looks like: !--#include virtual="/path" --. This results in the server taking the entire content of the file and inserts it into the page, replacing the line.
("Server-Side Includes") - a server-side scripting language.
Refers to Server Side Included or Server Side Includes. Some call it Side Server Included.
Server-Side Include. With this simple technology, a Web server inserts the value of a variable into a page before serving it. Pages with SSIs typically have the .shtml suffix.
Server Side Includes or SSI is a simple server–side scripting language used almost exclusively for the web. Its primary use is including the contents of one file in another. This glossary is generated using SSIs, using PHP.
An acronym for Server Side Includes. These are HTML Comment commands placed in an HTML file, to cause a webserver to execute some action when the page is viewed by a user. These include calling external programs such as CGI programs, displaying date or the last modified date on the file. Apache is the most widely used web server and has a wide range of SSI commands available.
Server-Side Include, a type of HTML comment that directs the Web server to dynamically generate data for the Web page whenever it is requested.
Server Side Includes. Commands that can be included in web pages that are processed by the web server when a user requests a file. The command takes the form [an error occurred while processing this directive]. For example, a common use for SSI commands is to insert the date or last modified date on a file.
Server Side Includes - These are often used to add external "common" pieces of code which are used on a number of pages such as headers or footers.
Supports the use of server side includes
Server Side Includes. SSI's are a server side technology that enable developers to insert or include the contents of one file into the body of another file.
Acronym for Server Side Includes, a type of HTML comment that allows one web page to include text from another.
Server Side Includes. are data files that are added into a page on the web server. They make Web site management much easier. For example, if you had a 100-page site and used the same top menu on every page of the site, you could create a file called header.inc and use SSI to write that header onto the top of every page. When its time to change something on that header, you just change the header.inc file and you've just updated the header on every page of your site. Make sure your host provides SSI if you want to use this great function.
Server Side Include. A server-side include (SSI) can either be a variable value that you want to appear on a web page (like the date and time that the page was loaded on the visitor’s browser – in which case it must pull this information from the server) or it can be static information that you want included on several pages. For instance, you might have 50 pages on your site and want to use the same navigational bar on each one of these pages. Without including the same information on all the pages or using frames, you can make one file that contains the navigation bar and call to the SSI file on the 50 pages. This way if the navigation or URLs in the navigation change, then you only have to update the one file and not the same information on all 50 pages.
Server Side Includes. A simple scripting language. SSI instructions are embedded in HTML. THe web server has to enabled to run SSI commands. The pages containing SSI instructions end with a .shtml extension.
(Server side includes). A type of HTML comment that directs the Web server to dynamically generate data for the Web page upon request.
(Server Side Include) A Web server technique for inserting dynamic content to an otherwise static HTML page. Examples include counters, time stamps.
SSI stands for Server Side Include. It is a method of invoking script programs that run on the web server to perform some function and/or add information to a web page.
Standards for Server Side Includes. It is a server-side technique to dynamically include certain data or whole websites on your SSI-driven page.
Server-Side Include (S-S-I) A command in the form of an HTML comment that tells the web server to perform a task as part of the page download. Different servers support different commands and there is no official standard. A typical use is to include boilerplate text as part of the web page. If you see the extension .shtml it's likely the page was generated partially with SSI commands.
Server Side Include. A technology where the web server inserts the contents of one file or the output of a directive into the page being sent to the requesting user. Commonly used to add a header, footer, or navigation elements to pages where the element is the same on many pages. By editing the contents of the header or footer file the change occurs across all pages that include that file. SSI is used to include the files output by Coranto into a web site's pages. This allows the content generated by Coranto to integrated with the site. See: Wikipedia Entry
SSI or Server Side Includes is used to be able to use the same thing over and over again without having to do the same thing over and over again. For example, lets say you have a layout, but you want it to be the same on everypage. Well instead of pasting the same HTML for the layout on everypage and then having to go and edit everypage individually, you can simply change the SSI file and all the pages calling it will be updated automatically.
server side include. An SSI is a command that directs the server to run a program, usually in the PERL programming language. SSIs are server-specific.
SCI' s (Server Side Includes) make it possible to render HTML documents interactive in different ways: by providing information about users and their habits, by executing scripts based on the results of an imposed condition, or by communicating with databases. AG The name given to an HTML command. They must open with the "" symbol and close with "". They are labels that are incorporated into the text to enable the browser to interpret the command.
This feature allows you to carry out certain script functions on your website for delivery on the page. People used to PHP will be aware of the 'include' command, but with SSI the same command can be used to import information to an html based page from another file.
Acronym for Server Side Includes, which are commands placed in the comments of HTML documents that direct a web server to include or insert special dynamic content at runtime. SSL
Stands for: "Server Side Include" A server automatically stores certain data about it's web web pages such as the date they were created, when they were last updated, etc. A web page can request that a server includes this value in a certain spot in the web page before it is sent to the viewer.
Acronym for "Server Side Includes". SSI pages are constructed of a main file and several included files. These included files often contain text or images that are the same on multiple pages, and need to be updated simultaneously when there is a change.
SSI (Server Side Includes) are a special type of HTML comment that tells the web server to dynamically generate data and place it in a web page. Websites that use SSI have files named as " .shtml".
Server Side Includes. Put simply, SSI is sort of like using your HTML server as a cut and paste editor. Here is basically what happens when your server handles a request for an SSI document. The server reads the document and parses (tech word for chops up and looks for special instructions) it for directives. It follows the instructions that it finds and merges their results into a finished document. It is then sent to the client browser.
Server Side Include. A server-side scripting language. SSI scripting commands are embedded within a webpage and are parsed and executed on the web server to generate dynamic HTML pages. Common uses of SSI are to include files (e.g. a header or footer file) that are used on multiple pages, or to show the current date and time.
Server Side Includes. A processing directive included in HTML files, which works "server side" & generated the data as per browser's requirement.
Server Side Includes. A simple server side scripting code ...
Abbreviation for "Server-Side Includes". A server-side scripting language. SSI scripting commands are embedded within a webpage and are parsed and executed on the web server to generate dynamic HTML pages. Most web hosting companies require SSI files to end with .shtml file extension.
Server Side Includes. Used (for example) to add dynamically generated content to a web page.