Definitions for "Lock Box"
Keywords:  box, reo, door, unlocking, abide
A post office or electronic box in which customer payments are deposited. The box is accessible by local banks who pass the payments to the company's main bank. A lock box serves the purpose of reducing float for the receiver company.
A regional bank depository used by large corporations to obtain earlier receipt of customer payments rather than having checks sent to one central office. The arrangement provides the creditor with better control of cash and earlier availability of cash balances. Vendors who distribute nationally usually locate such lock boxes strategically and centralize daily deposits for prompt availability of funds.
a device that hangs on a door knob (it's locked on so it can't be removed) or gets attached to the door frame
A locked container often used to store building plans or related data. Keys to open these containers are assigned only to select individuals such as the City of Chicago Fire Department and Safety and Environmental Affairs. Representative Sample: A sample of two sprinkler heads per floor or individual riser, in any case not less than four, or one percent of the number of sprinkler heads per system, whichever is greater.
a container affixed to a property containing a device to gain access to the property being marketed by a Participant in the MLS
A secure payment processing center used by SHPS.
a mechanism to earmark the savings from spending cuts for debt
Keywords:  cash, helps, collect, management, funds
a cash-management system that helps you collect your funds quickly