Definitions for "moral hazard"
The risk that the presence of a contract will affect on the behavior of one...
A hazard that exists in a situation when property is insured for significantly more than the property is worth, which may entice the Insured to contribute to a loss in an effort to collect on the insurance policy.
As "physical hazard" relates to susceptibility to fire or wind, the term "moral hazard" relates to susceptibility to loss through moral lapse of the owner (e.g.,"Burn the house down and collect from the insurance company before losing it in a foreclosure to the finance company.").
(In the finance literature, often called "post-contractual opportunism", JEL March 88, p.68)
A concept referring to the notion that some countries may keep in place inefficient and carbon-intensive regulatory energy policies in order to increase opportunities for clean Development Mechanism investment.
Keywords:  mortality, charge
Mortality Charge
a situation which occurs when debtors are encouraged to take out excessive loans by the actions of a government or agency willing to guarantee the repayment of said loans