The percentage of the working age population that is in the labour force.
Refers to the total labour force in the week (Sunday to Saturday) prior to Census Day, expressed as a percentage of the population 15 years of age and over, excluding institutional residents. The participation rate for a particular group (age, sex, marital status, geographic area, etc) is the total labour force in that group, expressed as a percentage of the population in that group. (Source: Statistics Canada)
The percentage of the population, aged above 15 years, who are working or actively seeking work. see also unemployed
A percentage of the upside gain in a stock or equity index (e.g., S&P 500 Index) credited to indexed annuity contracts. For example, if the participation rate is 70 percent and the index changes by 7 percent, your interest rate will become 4.90% (7% x 70%). On the other hand, if the participation rate is 100 percent, then the interest credited to your annuity contract will become 7.00% (7% x 100%). Participation rates and their calculation methods vary greatly, but insurance companies typically offer participation rates between 70 and 90 percent (some as low as 60%, while others as high as 100%).
The extent to which members of a specific demographic group participate in an agency's work force.
The percent of students tested on each exam.
Many structured products provide a minimum fixed return plus an additional return calculated by multiplying any rise in the underlying index by a fixed percentage. The percentage is often called the participation rate.
Ratio, for a given year, of secondary school enrolment of a specific age group to the population of the same age group that has not already graduated from school. (Note: This rate is based on enrolment as of September 30 for a given year.)
The labour force (employed plus unemployed) expressed as a percentage of the population aged 15 years and over. The participation rate for a particular group (for example, women aged 25 years and over) is the labour force in that group expressed as a percentage of the population for that group.
The percentage of net index growth that is used to calculate the indexed interest rate for a fixed-indexed annuity contract.
The percentage of index gain credited to the annuity.
Percentage of students in a school or district taking the state assessments.
Portion of population participating in a recycling program.
Measures the percentage of the working age population in work or actively looking for work.
Percentage of students in a school or district taking a state assessment, including: CSAP, CSAP-A, Lectura, Woodcock-Munoz*, IPT*, or LAS*. * May be used for participation only for students enrolled in U.S. schools for three years or less.
the number of people in the labour force divided by the total working-age population gives a percentage known as the participation rate.
The ratio of the labour force to the civilian population aged 15 years or more.
The number of students who responded to at least one question in the assessment divided by the total number of students in that grade.
The number of students who wrote the examination at least once in the school year and are in the same grade as the indicated exam grade level divided by the total number of students who are in the same grade as the indicated exam grade level.
The percentage of household taking parting in kerbside recycling collection services by Putting out their containers for collection at least once in a given period of time.
Participation rate refers to the total labour force in the week (Sunday to Saturday) prior to Census Day, expressed as a percentage of the population 15 years of age and over (2B variable).
The percentage of children with disabilities that are included in an activity completed by children without disabilities.
The working age population participating in the workforce