Tiny electrode of an image sensor.
Where individual elements of an imaging chip are located on the chip.
Photosites are the individual light-sensitive squares (or rectangles) of a CCD chip. A CCD chip is comprised of thousands or millions of photosites. In a CCD image, usually each photosites becomes an individual pixel in the final image displayed on screen, but sometimes the photosites are binned and 4 or 9 individual photosites work effectively as one larger photosite to create a single pixel. Photosites are almost always called pixels, except when a distinction needs to be made between photosites and image pixels.
the portion of the silicon chip that functions as a light-sensitive area.
A small area on the surface of an image sensor that captures the brightness for a single pixel in the image. There is one photosite for every pixel in the image.
(Vision Sensing) The smallest discrete physical unit on an imager chip. A pixel is a digital representation of a photosite.