Definitions for "Polygraph"
An instrument for detecting deceptive statements by a subject, by measuring several physiological states of the subject, such as pulse, heartbeat, and sweating. The instrument records these parameters on a strip of paper while the subject is asked questions designed to elicit emotional responses when the subject tries to deceive the interrogator. Also called lie detector
Sometimes called a "lie detector," the polygraph can only detect signs of physiological stress; whether one is lying is an interpretation made by the polygraph examiner.
A device that measures simultaneously several physiological responses that accompany emotion; for instance, heart and respiration rate, and blood pressure.  It is commonly known as a "lie detector" because of its use in determining the guilt of a subject through responses while he or she answers.  It is commonly used in sleep research to monitor EEG, EOG, and EMG readings of a subject.
An instrument for multiplying copies of a writing; a manifold writer; a copying machine.
a mechanical device that moves a second pen parallel to one held by a writer, enabling the writer to make a duplicate of a document as it is written
Keywords:  ouija, board, electronic
an electronic Ouija board
In bibliography, a collection of different works, either by one or several authors.
Keywords:  device, measures, body
a device that measures the body