an organism that converts energy from the Sun or from inorganic substances to produce organic compounds
An organism capable of using the energy derived from light or a chemical substance in order to manufacture energy-rich organic compounds.
A photosynthetic or chemosynthetic organism that synthesizes complex organic molecules from simple inorganic ones.
The start of a food chain - usually a species that can photosynthesise (for example, green plants or autotrophs)
an organism that makes organic material from inorganic material; an autotroph; examples include plants, phytoplankton, and some bacteria
an organism that traps and stores the sun's energy; e.g. plants and some bacteria.
Organisms that produces organic material from solar energy and inorganic substances e.g a photosynthetic plant.
A producer is an organism that acts as a food source for the next level up in the 'food chain'. Green plants are primary producers, because they are the lowest link in the food chain.
Organisms that occupy the first trophic level in the grazing food chain. These organisms are photosynthetic autotrophs.
Green plants capable of photosynthesis; the base of the food chain.
n: An organism, such as a plant or microbe, that makes its own food and forms the bottom-most tier in a trophic system. Primary producers are the basis of the food web in most ecosystems (the exceptions are open system communities based entirely on scavenging nutrients flushed into the system from elsewhere, such as some deep sea communities -- though even in these cases, the food flushed into the system comes from another system where primary producers are the basis of the trophic pyramid ). Primary producers are able to convert abiotic raw materials into biotic tissue, either by capturing the sun's energy through photosynthesis (plants) or by harnessing the energy in chemical bonds through chemosynthesis (some microbes).